Wednesday, October 27, 2010


最近我发现到,我blog counter的数目一直增加。增加速度还蛮快的,以前到现在,都没什么客人来。现在却。。。其实有时我都在思考,写blog到底有什么好处?写来干嘛?有人要看吗?为什么要让别人看?一大堆的问号冒出来。但是我最近发现到,原来写blog是一种分享。学习怎样和别人分享自己的心情,思考,对于人与人沟通有很大的帮助。习惯的分享自己的喜怒哀乐,会让别人和你的距离拉近。。。很多人都很习惯的在面子书分享自己的心情,久而久之就变成了一种习惯。习惯了什么事都写在面子书。例如吃过了什么,心情为什么那么差,对一个人的不满,想对不满的人怎样怎样。。。。一大堆东西一直过分的pose在面子书,别人会觉得你很烦的!!!但是blog就不一样,不是每个人都懂。要懂的人才来看,不要懂的人就滚开。但是我发现到有一些人有一种习惯,那就是开了面子书,add了很多人。却静静的多在一边“偷窥”别人分享出来的东西,但是就是不出吭声。偷窥的定义就是偷偷看,但是不让你知道,让你知道的就不是偷窥了!当你add了一大堆人,但是他们却在面子书上只是一个空盒,没放照片。你的一举一动他都了如指掌。突然间有一天他说他很了解你,但是你和他却是第一次见面,你不觉得很可怕吗?所以突然间有很多人了解你,你不要出奇哦!不要以为pose了的东西就只有朋友知道,其实可以说是半个马来西亚都知道。

回归正题,blog的counter增加是好事还是坏事呢?如果不要人家偷窥你就不要开facebook account,不要写blog,不要分享。我在这里只可以说欢迎你们来偷窥我的一切,我做好了一切后果的心理准备。哈哈哈



有一个时候一直听这首歌,它能让我变得勇敢的越来越爱,有催眠的功用哦!哈哈哈。这歌描述的很对,当谈恋爱时,走路都在飄 ,吃不飽, 睡不好,腦袋都壞掉 ,心狂跳 太糟糕。越忍耐越停不下來,只能越來越愛。

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My new hp net book

OMG, how long i waiting for this Net book from telecom(about 3 months).whf, it really test my patience. Finally i got it last Saturday.Yahoo~~Now i got 3 computers already.1 old desktop, 1 laptop and 1 net book. All is hp company product. I really is hp supporter right? haha.

open box

it is really light and small. It is damn cool for traveling use. But if doing my home work i prefer use my BIG laptop.
After try it, wanna share my opinion here:
1) the USB socket is suck because it is not smooth and need to push hard when insert the use device.
2) the speed of the net book is suck even just the 1st time use it.(1GB ram)
3) the OS in the net book is windows starter which is suck if compare with windows 7.Many application still not complete.
even there got a lot of SUCK here, but i still like it, because it is totally free from TMnet, hahaha. If ...if u want to buy a net book, i will recommended u don't buy it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mrs.Suan birthday

this call (guai pak hau mei zham~)haha
ready to go....1...2...3...


smile until toothache ~
different angle
different look
my message 生日快乐~from 38 guy

see the pretty girl take picture so palter...

second picture also the same~haizzz

now become serious a bit.

what happen so funny ?
yie~(xin sang~nei hai mat sui ah?) Cantonese..why sit beside me?
take the cake seriously
phone and talk seriously
but now not serious at all
my wish is have a peace world~~uhh!!
four bak diao~^^looking sonething
ya,they looking this card. Who choose this picture as the cover de? so funny...~

ready to cut the cake

wait!!!let me prepare 1st~long time didnt take picture dunno how to pose .lol

finally she choose this pose

good girl~

Monday, October 18, 2010


以前买了一双白色的羽球鞋line7,50多块钱,半年多就KO了,鞋底全部都坏得好像被狗咬到一样。拖了3个星期,今天终于筹够钱买了一双FLEET的羽球鞋。希望80块钱的东西会比50多块的东西耐用咯~特地选一双红红的颜色。看起来很杀。ang ang bo hai lang 阿。。哈哈哈

aim FLEET这个品牌很久了,看到别人穿得很不错。



2010 PSM1 presentation

Friday, October 15, 2010




1st class 的金牌,好像是真的哦!!咬一下看看。。。

